Looking for highest customer satisfaction, we continually improve the quality, environmental protection, energy performance, health and safety of our employees at all stages of our product development and production process.

The Integrated Management System, which covers quality, environmental protection, health, energy and occupational safety with all its applicable statutory regulations, enables us to successfully realize our overall objectives

Relevant training, support and awareness of our employees are set to work continuously on process optimization and risk reduction. Sustain and improve processes, work activities, work places, machines and equipment through our management system is our commitment.

We use clear and ambitious targets through key performance indicators (KPls) to drive efficiency, financial strength and long-term value, and conduct internal audits evaluate the progress of the management system. The strengths and weaknesses are identified and improvement measures are derived from the Management Review.

Quality enhances the corporate value of our company, ensuring or exceeding customer expectations through:

Continuously work on product and process optimization, by reducing work or process flaws, standardizing processes and empowering people continuously.

Constantly monitor and optimize processes in order to achieve the highest customer benefits with simultaneous business improvement.

Within the scope of the Integrated Management System and by compliance with statutory and regulatory as well as customer requirements we aim to:

Maintain a risk-oriented mindset to continuously improve processes, work activities, products and technologies to be consistently reliable, safe, environmentally friendly and energy efficient.  

Work purposefully on reducing scrap and waste, increase the effort of reuse and recycle materials in addition to the business benefits to avoid environment pollution as well as optimize material management.

To create safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work related accidents, health deterioration and injuries,

To eliminate the dangers arising from the activities carried out in our business and to reduce the risks

To ensure the effective communication and participation of all employees in activities related to occupational health and safety in our company.

To supply the necessary resources to achieve the energy goals and objectives and to ensure that these resources are used in the most efficient way.

To increase energy performance by using available energy and natural resources in the most efficient way in all our processes.

Using and purchasing energy efficient products to improve energy performance and prioritizing energy efficiency in design activities